Birdville High School Class of 1961
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Birdville High School Class of 1961 - Guestbook

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Reagan Russey - 06-18-2013
I'm sorry to have missed the 2011 reunion.  Sure hope to be at the next one.  
Carolyn Lou Bivens Price - 12-21-2012
I did not get to graduate as I was forced to leave in Oct. 1959 when I married.   1961 would have been my graduation year.  It has been fun seeing the pics of so many old friends.  I have posted some of myself and my family in the 'Look at us Now'.    Any who remember me can find my contact info as I made it public.   I Divorced in 1972,, raised my 2 girls alone.  I also have 8 Grandkids and 1 Great Grandchild.  I am retired and now living in San Antonio, Tx.   Stay active as much as possible.,, enjoy this city so much.    
Would so love to hear from my old school friends.  I am on Facebook as Carolyn Lou Bivens-Price.

Sammye Lou Moore McGlaun - 12-17-2012
I graduated in the summer of 1961. Even tho I didn't graduate with the class my diploma says 1961. I married a East Texas man and we have been married for 51 years as of May 2012. I have only 1 daughter and she is married and that gives me 2 wonderful grandchildren,.. My oldest is a beautiful 19year old going to school in Stephenville and my handsome grandson is 16 is a somphmore at Grandview High School in Grandview,Texas.  I have had a very rewarding. Enjoy the web-site and so glad I found it. Enjoy looking back at the old annual.. I lost all of mine in a house fire in 1974 so it was exciting to get on here and  see a copy of the 1961. Keep up the good work on this site as I enjoy going back and looking at all of it.. Thanks again...Sammye Moore McGlaun
Charles Turney - 03-02-2012
Mine email address has changed to
Rayburn Brooks - 11-25-2011
Great website.....well done! Although I graduated in 58, I knew many in your class. Fond memories of a few remain. Those were the days of joyous anticipation of coming challanges and life's travels, yet filled with some trepidation.
Carol Woolard Pufall - 10-31-2011
Sorry I had to miss the Reunion.  My husband was not up to attending.  His Parkinson's Disease has been really bad lately.  I have enjoyed seeing the pictures of everyone at the reunion.  Everyone looked wonderful.  So glad everyone had a wonderful time.  Maybe at the next reunion.
Don Lyles - 10-29-2011
Very well said, Phil & Lonnie, my sentiments exactly. Worth the trip from Colorado to see everyone. Excellent time. Looking forward to 60th. Blessings for all.
Lonnie Gwinn - 10-24-2011
All I can do is echo Phil's words............Thank You! The reunion was a big undertaking and you, those who put it together, did a great job. It was great seeing so many classmates and ole friends. Hope we can met again.
Phil Ford - 10-18-2011
Thank You-- to all the folks that were on the committee for the reunion--a good time was had by all!  One of my favorite saying is that--'nothing is impossible, if you don't have to do it!'  You folks did it-- and did it in grand fashion!  We all appreicate your hard work--again thanks for caring enough to do it right!
Sharon Creel Phares - 09-22-2011
Graduated from college, married a Methodist minister, had a daughter, divorced, etc
In the ensuing years I taught, drove a truck cross country, worked in an office , remarried, divorced, returned to teaching.  I retired this year after 22 years teaching at-risk secondary students.  Loved the kids, do not miss the rest!
I have traveled the world and feel an attachment to China.  Last year I helped rebuild an earthquake ravaged community in Peru.  Later this year I will return to help out in another Central American country.  I have also traveled the US, often with young granddaughter in tow.  After a week in Yellowstone she infomed me she was NOT a nature girl.  Currently, I am looking for a more mature traveling companion.
Carol Woolard Pufall - 09-15-2011
I Have been married to my wonderful husband for fifty years.  We have two boys and a daughter.  Eight grandchildren and a sweet great-granddaughter. I still live in Haltom City.  All my children and grandchildren have either graduated from Haltom High or still attend Haltom High.  My kids even had a couple of teachers that I had in high school.  Can't believe we are getting so old.  Hope to attend the Reunion but all depends on my husband's health.  He is having problems at the present time.  If I don't see you, God Bless.  Have fun at the Reunion.
Albert Porter - 07-17-2011
I started late compared to most of you.  Patti and I have only one child, our son John who's completing  his masters at Texas Tech in finance.   My wife is a Dallas girl, met her after I moving here in 1972 to take a job with an ad agency.

I ran my commercial photo business for more than 30 years and now contributing writer and photographer for a  high end audio magazine as well as selling high end equipment.  

Have not decided if I will attend this reunion, wonder how many of us there will be?  I guess I'm lucky I'm still around as crazy as my career and life have been. I have more memories about Birdville High and the people there than I can count.   It was a wonderful time to be alive. (smile).
Reagan Russey - 06-26-2011
Wish I could make the reunion in October but I'm already committed to a pheasant hunt in South Dakota at that time.  I always like an excuse to visit Texas.  
Linda, whoever is responsible for the website I can't thank you enough. You have done a great job.
John F. Hall (Johnny) - 06-21-2011
I can't believe you found me!  I am happily married to my wife, Terry, and we live east  of Okla. City.  See you in October.
Ron Owen - 06-09-2011
looking forward to the reunion.  Happily married, twin boys, one girl, five grandchildren.  retired and now substitute teaching elementary school in Klein ISD north of Houston.

looking for info on Jerry White and Lynn Stephens

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